Little Learner's Preschool strives to provide a high quality, developmentally appropriate program to serve young children between two and six years of age. Our program is based on the philosophy that all children can learn the skills necessary to succeed in school. By providing a safe and nurturing learning environment where each child learns at his/her own rate, children at Little Learner's Preschool develop a positive self-image, confidence in their abilities, and the willingness to try new experiences.
At Little Learner's Preschool EVERYTHING is a Learning Experience! Young children have special needs, a unique learning style, and boundless energy. So, as you might imagine, a classroom for these young children is a very special place. At Little Learner's our classrooms are highly specialized learning environments carefully planned to meet the needs of preschool children. Our Teachers excel at creating a classroom that is a unique, exciting, interesting place where active learning takes place from the minute a child first walks through the door. Children learn by doing. And at Little Learner's Preschool we strive to excite children about learning by giving them opportunities to make discoveries on their own about themselves and their world.
Our Teachers encourage children to ask questions and look for their own answers through experimenting and exploring. They help their students become aware of their own uniqueness and value themselves as important human beings. And, children will learn to get along in the world with others. In addition to our quality curriculum that supports cognitive, physical, social, emotional, and language development; Our Teachers also model acceptance, tolerance, trust, and respect of all that we encounter.
Parents are an important part of the Little Learner's Family. We encourage Parent and Family participation in all aspects of our Center. We have incorporated an “Open Door” policy, so that Parents can visit anytime, without appointments. Our goal is to become acquainted with everyone in the child’s family and thus help parents appreciate, understand and participate in their child’s development. We understand that it is hard to leave your child in a new environment, however we have learned that due to the high quality, positive preschool experience that is provided at Little Learner's Preschool, parents are happier and more productive at their work sites.
About our Staff:
- Our warm and caring staff is chosen for educational qualifications, experience and their ability to provide their students with fun and educational activities in an open-ended safe environment. Every Staff member attends professional seminars and workshops, and maintains professional standards. Our Lead Teachers also meet or exceed the requirements of California’s State Department of Social Services (title 22) for Professional Preschool Teachers.
School Hours:
- Our School is open from 6:30am to 6:00pm, Monday-Friday.
There is a Late Pick-up Fee of $1.00 per Minute for each student that is picked-up after 6:00pm. Payable in CASH at the time of Pick-Up. No Exceptions. As a courtesy to our Teachers, Please Pick-up your child on time… They Have Families Also!
Our Part Time preschool hours are from 8:30-12:30 only! Children who arrive early or stay late will be charged the Full Time rate.
Signing In and Out:
We are required by the State of California to have you “Sign-in” your child when you arrive at school, and “Sign-out” when you pick your child up. You MUST Sign in and Sign out every day! The sign-in clipboard is located on the wall beside the kitchen window. Please look for your child’s name on the bottom portion of their sign-in sheet; each child will have their own sheet.
Open Door Policy:
We consider parents to be a vital part of the educational process, and encourage families to share their time with us- no appointments necessary. Visitors must remain under teacher supervision unless they are on the students pick up list. Parents may be contacted to verify visitor permission.
Personal Items:
Authorization to Pick-up your Child:
- No Child will be released to a person not authorized by you, the Parent. Please be sure to list all persons that have permission to pick up your child in your Enrollment packet. If you need to add someone to your pick-up list, we must have a separate written authorization delivered to us by the Legal Parent or Guardian.
Birthday Parties:
- We do allow parents to bring in Birthday parties, however we cannot have Candles on Birthday Cakes or Soda. Juice and punch are great substitutes. If you can’t make the Party, Bring in a disposable Camera and let your child’s Teacher capture the Fun on Film!!
Health: Your child’s health is very important to us! Please notify us if your child is unable to attend on their scheduled day. We Appreciate knowing whether their absence is due to illness or another reason. Notify us immediately if it is due to a contagious disease, we need to let others know. Thank You! In addition to our standard health form in your child’s file, a daily informal health check is given upon each child’s arrival. The Parent bringing the child should be sure a Teacher greets the child. We may call you at work if your child develops symptoms of illness while at school. The Following are reasons children may not be able to attend school: Ø If he/she has a Fever or have had one in the previous 12 hour period. Ø If he/she has a heavy nasal discharge. Ø If he/she has a constant cough. Ø If he/she has been taking antibiotics for less than 24 hours. Ø If he/she is overly tired, fussy, cranky, or not themselves. * Sending a Child home will be at the discretion of the Director * We do not want your child to have an uncomfortable day at school because they are ill. We will call the legal parents or Guardians first. If they cannot be reached, we will then call the persons’ whom you have Authorized to pick up your child; as listed on the Emergency Information page of your enrollment pack. *** Please Keep Our Information as Current as Possible ***
Our Preschool is a Well-Child Center; We are not licensed to care for ill children. If you are called to pick-up your child, you will have 1 hour to arrange for their pick-up. There will be a $30.00 fee for every additional hour they stay at school, to cover their One-on-One Care. Medication: If it is absolutely necessary for your child to receive medication during school hours, You MUST complete the following steps… - You Must Fill out a “Permission to Medicate” form, which is located in the Front office. If the form is not completely filled out and signed, Medication will not be given.
- All medications must have a prescribed label on the medication bottle with the name of the medicine, your child’s name, and the dosage of the medication to be given. This information Must be written in English!
Medication will not be given if these steps are not completed!
If you decide to bring your Child’s lunch:
- The School will provide Milk with their Lunch and Morning & Afternoon Snacks
- If breakfast is brought with your child, it should be finished by 8:00am. We provide a bowl, spoon, and milk for cereal breakfasts. Please bring your own box of cereal with your child’s name labeled on the side.
- Due to licensing requirements, we cannot heat individual “Home” lunches. Please bring self-contained lunches. For example: a Sandwich, Piece of fruit, Mini-Carrots and a little treat are a wonderful lunch from home.
Please do not send these items to school:
- Gum, Soda, Candy and items that need to be refridgerated