Enrollment Agreement
The Conditions of your Enrollment Agreement provide protection for our parents as well as for our childcare center. In order to assure that we can provide the services to which your child is entitled, it is essential that the financial status of Little Learner's Preschool be stable. The Little Learner's salaries, licensing requirements and overhead expenses cannot be reduced because of "Absentee Losses" in income. In Essence, our Enrollment agreement is a parental guarantee to Little Learner's Preschool that you will financially support the enrollment space guaranteed to your child.
Tuition is due every week on Monday. Regardless of the first day your child attends. If your tuition payment is received after Noon on Tuesday, there will be a late charge of $10.00. If tuition is not received by Friday, your child may not be able to return to school on Monday until arrangements are made.
Registration Fee
Your Registration fee of $100.00 is an annual fee due before September 4th yearly to reserve your enrollment space for the following school year. The Registration fee is non-refundable.
Tuition Increases and Policy Changes
In order to maintain ideal standards and quality service there may be periodic increases in tuition or changes in the school program. Parents will be notified at least 30 days in advance should such increases be necessary. Tuition Rates for the following school year are provided prior to Annual Registration.
The preschool runs on an annual budget based on an annual tuition rate that is broken into weekly payments. We try to provide the highest quality program on a budget figured at the lowest possible weekly rate. In order to do this, No Credit can be given for absenteeism or vacations.
New Year’s Day Martin Luther King Jr. Day Presidents Day Memorial Day (Juneteenth) Teacher Prep Day Independence Day (Last Friday in August) Teacher In-service Labor Day Columbus/Indigenous Peoples Day Veterans Day (4th Thursday in Nov.) Thanksgiving Holiday (4th Friday in Nov.) Thanksgiving Holiday (Dec 24th) Christmas Eve Holiday (Dec 25th) Christmas Holiday New Year’s Eve Holiday
* If Christmas or Christmas Eve fall on the weekend, we will close the day before and/or after. Example: If the holidays fall on the weekend we will close on Friday and Monday.
Returned Checks
There is a $20.00 fee for all returned checks in addition to a $10.00 late fee that will be added to your tuition account. Repayment of Returned Checks MUST be made by Money Order. If we receive two returned checks within a 6-month period you will be required to pay by Money Orders for the following 6 months. Personal checks will not be accepted for any reason.
We require a 2-week written notice of your intent to withdraw from our school. If we receive the required notice, your last week deposit will be applied to the last week tuition. Due to Staffing, Anyone who does not give the required notice will forfeit his or her deposit.
Termination/Refund Clause
If your child is terminated from our center; your last week deposit will be applied to the last week your child attended. If your tuition was paid, a refund check will be mailed to your home within two weeks. Our Teachers are highly skilled at guiding children away from aggressive behaviors, Termination of care is an absolute last resort, Please see our progressive guidance plan for more info. Child Care Service may also be terminated for the following reasons: Unpaid Tuition, Attending on unscheduled days, Parent Disruptiveness or Endangerment of a child, Aggressive behaviors, Failure to pick-up a sick child, or other inappropriate conduct. To reinstate a terminated student, the parent will have to pay all re-enrollment fees.
Little Learner's Preschool serves students who are able to work positively in a group setting. If, in the professional judgment of the staff, a student is not able to be accommodated in the schools setting or if the program is not able to meet the child's individual needs, the family will be asked to withdraw from the school. The family does have the option of enrolling the child at another time.