At Little Learner's Preschool our enthusiastic, responsive
and caring staff promote each child’s cognitive, physical, social,
and emotional growth. Featuring a special emphasis on early
literacy with our kindergarten readiness program.
All in a lovely historic schoolhouse
where everything is a
learning experience and imagination & creativity flourish.
Early Literacy Curriculum |
Little Learner's Preschool Curriculum features a special emphasis on Early Literacy with our "Read to Succeed" program. Our Students are immersed in a literature enriched environment where the main purpose is to help children begin a lifelong love of books. Storytime is an important part of the day in our classrooms and it becomes a magical experience for our young students. The children are encouraged not only to listen to the stories but to participate in them. They ask questions and have discussions about what happened in the story. We do art projects that revolve around our stories and sometimes our stories are even reflected in our dramatic play area. What’s more fun than dressing up and acting like your favorite story characters? When you visit our school you may just catch a glimpse of “Angelina Ballerina” twirling in her favorite tutu or “The Big Hungry Bear” stomping through the forest looking for those red ripe strawberries!
| We Proudly Feature Scholastic Books
"Science All Around Us" Program |
Our Science program is a wonderful, exciting world of discovery-
because discovery is what science is all about. In our science program,
children have opportunities to use all their senses as they explore nature and
basic scientific principles. They learn about geology as they
examine, compare, and experiment with different types of rocks. Chemistry
is taught through mixing different substances together and watching the
results. The basics of botany are found when our students sprout seeds,
water plants, and watch their plants grow and change. Biology
is introduced when our students use their sense of smell to match substances in
jars and use their sense of touch to describe objects inside a bag or box. Caring
for pets, hatching eggs, and observing animals are some ways the children learn
about zoology. Entomology is a favorite subject for many of our students who enjoy
collecting insects, watching our ant farm or cricket keeper, and observing the
life cycle of a butterfly.
Our science program is an active lively program
that is full of change and opportunities for wonder!
Annual All School Performance |
Did You Know?
Learning to Perform on stage in front of an audience teaches your child many skills that will benefit them throughout their lives… such as memorization, coordination, increased self esteem and confidence, develops large and small motor skills, teamwork and the ability to follow instructions verbally and visually.
Our Fall Program
Usually held in Late November or Early December An All School Extravaganza! Live and On Stage! We Perform in the Santa Ana Elks Lodge Crystal Ballroom.
The Children Perform Songs & Dances in “Custom Made” Costumes with Beautiful Backdrops!
It's the Show of the Season!!!
Example: When we performed our "Disney Extravaganza" our Butterfly class dressed up in satin "Jasmine" and "Aladdin" costumes hand made by Ms Debbie. Hmm... Did I mention the Lion King's, Dalmations, and some adorably tiny "Mickeys" and "Minnie's" dancing around?
Our Graduation Program Usually held in Mid-June
To Celebrate our Graduation our Cuddle Bug, Caterpillar, Butterfly and Bumble Bee Classes put on a grand show before they walk across the stage in their caps and gowns to receive their diplomas!
Even if students are not graduating to another class or school, they still participate! We just couldn't let you miss how cute they look in that Graduation Cap and Gown!
Assemblies and Special Events |
The Purpose of these
school-wide events is to bring our Little Learner’s Community Together.
You are invited and
encouraged to participate actively in these events, which make Little Learner’s
Preschool meaningful to your family. Check your school calendar for the exact
All of our students attend a fire safety program with
"Big John" the talking fire engine. Big John is a 1967 Crown Fire
Engine who's voice was donated by
Thurol Ravenscroft (the legendary voice of Tony-the-Tiger).
As " Big John"
talks about fire safety to the children he "cries" real water from his
headlights because he is sad when children are injured by fire and he
"smiles and waves" by his light bar lighting up because the children
are learning to be fire safe. The engine's program is interactive
soliciting children's answers to questions such as; "Do you know what
number to call when there's an emergency at your house?" There is a
pause for the children to answer and then "Big John" responds with,
"That's right, boys and girls!"
firefighter conducting the program expands the curriculum further by
talking about Stop, Drop and Roll, caution about playing with matches,
lighters or cigarettes, crawling low under fire, how a smoke alarm
sounds, how to dial 9-1-1 and what "Big John's" equipment looks and
sounds like. Children are allowed up on the fire engine to explore,
feel comfortable, put on equipment and ask questions. Parent attendance
is encouraged and welcome.
Students love getting up close and personal with lizards, frogs, monitors, boas, bearded dragons, tortoises, geckos, hissing cockroaches, and the star of our
show- an albino Burmese python named Sunshine. (Its takes ten students to hold her straight!) Not only is it great fun
for kids because they get to handle the reptiles but they also learn what they
eat and where they live. The children will learn about their living habits in
the wild, their care in captivity, and their diet. This presentation is also
completely hands on. The children and adults will be able to hold or touch
every reptile that they bring. They make sure to bring reptiles that are
extremely tame and have been handled by thousands of children.
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A Day at the Farm... right at our own preschool! Few activities are more fascinating to our tiny tots than petting and feeding gentle furry and feathered farm animals. The animals that are included in the farm are: Miniature pot belly pigs, Pygmy goats, Miniature exotic Bantam chickens, Ducks, Bunny's & Guinea Pigs. When they arrive at our school, a tarp is placed on the ground to protect the surface, a corral is put up on top of the tarp, straw is placed in the corral on top of the tarp, the animals are inside the corral, our students are able enter and exit the corral to pet the animals. Our teachers make sure everyone gets their share of hugging, brushing, feeding and petting the animals!
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By CHOC Hospital
Kids will become "GERMBUSTERS" when they learn how to
protect themselves against germs when someone coughs or sneezes.
Learn the importance of proper hand washing and figure out how
easily germs are spread through a fun glitter experiment, book
and video.
| | Buckle Bear/Booster Bear By CHOC Hospital
Children will learn the safest way to ride in the vehicle through
interaction with Buckle Bear. The importance of sitting in a
booster seat on every trip will be discussed and shown through
a video. We even learn a great song about Seat Belt Safety called "The Wheels on the Car"
Imagination Celebration
During Halloween, Children come dressed in their Costumes and we have an all school Parade, Carnival games with prizes, "Bobbing for Ghosts" activity, & class potluck. Instead of trick or treating for candy, Our students practice large and fine motor skills in games and earn prizes and Books.
Dressing up is lots of fun and dressing up with your friends is even more fun!
Thanksgiving Feast
We read a special story called "Stone Soup" which focuses on sharing. Every child brings a special item to add our soup or feast. Families are invited to bring a can of food to donate to our local food bank. Second Harvest Food Drive.
Spring has Sprung
Students are asked to bring a flower to school, and each child adds their special bloom to a large bouquet. The bouquets are donated to the local convalescent home.
Class Parties
We have class Parties for most holidays and the end of summer too! Parent can Sign-up to bring in a special treat for the class. Sign-Up lists are posted on the Clipboards the week before the event.
Book Orders
Scholastic Book Orders are an optional program that allows you to purchase books for your family at very reasonable prices. Make checks payable to the book club you are ordering from, attach the check to your order form and drop it in the white tuition box located in the office. Book orders normally arrive in two weeks and are placed in your child's Portfolio.